Thanks for so carefully dissecting and elaborating on the efforts being made by the TOGETHER investigators to wiggle out of the scientific misconduct (or criminal misconduct) corner they have backed themselves into with their lies and obfuscations.

Keep digging that hole, PI's. How does it feel to know you've been caught creating a false narrative that could kill thousands? What will your children think of you?

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You see Alexandros they had to write that because the alternative doesn’t make for very good reading:

“Our expert clinicians in designing this trial laughably chose 1 dose, on the laughable basis of that is what is used to treat a different condition. Advocacy groups which included non-medically trained members of the public could even recognise the laughable nature of this incompetence, so therefore we had to change it to the lowest dose possible in order to minimise the chance of a positive result.

Additionally the Brazilian health authorities unfortunately do not have medical degrees we recognise but despite this we reluctantly acknowledged their recommendation for the public to take Ivermectin to treat covid. Almost certainly this did not effect the outcome of the study because we predetermined that Ivermectin doesn’t work anyway, and therefore it could not possibly change the results”

Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it does it?

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It rings true, so definitely not the same ring 😂

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I emailed Ed Mills when I read the protocol in clinicaltrials.gov about the insufficient dosing of IVM.. So, I guess that makes me my very own advocacy group - or a paramedic.

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Do you remember the date? Also, congrats on the specialization!

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No, I don't remember the date.

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Sounds like what you get when corporate PR helps edit a science study.

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Honestly, the whole "advocacy" group sounds a bit like whining from researchers that they were being negged and caved in, which honestly would be a very weak basis for changing their protocol.

Not sure if you've looked into the mechanism of action of ivermectin Alexandros, but the PAXLOVID issue of viral rebound is making me wonder if ivermectin actually serves as a possible protease inhibitor. I haven't looked too deeply into ivermectin so I was just curious if you were aware of the different mechanisms of action.

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Dr Campbell issued a video in Nov 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufy2AweXRkc

He explains Paxlovid works because it's a 3CL-protease inhibitor, whereas ivermectin is a 3CL-protease inhibitor but also has numerous other actions against SARS-CoV-2 and against Covid.

Campbell explains having only one mode of action (like Paxlovid) makes it more likely for a resistant variant to be selected.

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The Journals have soiled themselves like the public health experts have. They too will have to claw their way back from the pit of deceit and capture, to ever be trusted again.

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Excellent dissection of this ludicrous new addition to an error-filled study.

‘Are there groups of paramedics, going around in ambulances, throwing pills at people?’ Love the comic relief!

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We have to keep sane somehow

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Alexandros, thank you for being a truth warrior. There is no greater virtue than standing up against evil. Don't stop fighting for truth. God will protect you.

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Did you know that the Together Trial is sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

'Grant information: The TOGETHER Trial is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [INV-019641]. Overall trial infrastructure is also supported by the Rainwater Foundation, with additional funding support from FastGrants for current evaluations of trial interventions. Future evaluations of interventions may be supported by other funding organizations. The funders have no role in the conduct, interpretation, or dissemination of the study findings' https://gatesopenresearch.org/articles/5-117

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I'll never trust any clinical trial again.

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Sadly true!

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