I disagree that "We desparately need more public health officials like Martin Kulldorff".

It was the introduction and acceptance of the false premise: that some 'official' should have power over our personal, private health choices - that got us into this mess in the first place.

There is no such thing as 'public health'. 'Public' is code-word for tyranny.

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We desperately need access to freedom legislation that allows us to make decisions for ourselves and our dependents, supported by unfettered, unfiltered, unredacted raw data.

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From the stated comments, I think Offit is being consistent. He didn't think the vax was medically necessary with natural immunity, but he thought in practice on a large scale that it would be too hard to track it (I assume he had vax passes in mind). His error is in claiming there is no downside to vaxxing (that’s where he's towing a partyline.) There's ALWAYS a downside. E.g. while drinking something benign like water, you could choke. And with a vax, even in the absolute best case scenario, there's still a risk of infection from breaking the skin with the needle. In reality, he should have stopped at the "not medically necessary" part. It's especially unethical, IMHO, to support a mandate if you think it isn't medically necessary.

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I'm kind of glad natural immunity was never accepted. Too many people who were against the vax but had COVID already would've disappeared from our ability to push back. It would've enabled things to get much much worse.

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Alexandros. 33-45% had immunity-in-place, a term I coined in March of 2020. When I did 24 hours of discussion/debates with Dr. B , he told me his group that did the serological studies overlooked that and the people who were still protected but no longer had antibodies in their blood (after 3 months). I figured out everything months before everyone else by reasoning from first principles and the vaccine was no different. I proved we reached herd immunity on January, 11, 2021 without a single person fully-vaccinated. I proved the vaccine wasn't blocking transmission on January 15, 2021, 2.5 months before Dr. B said it was possible (when the medical community caught on). Boy, I sure wish someone would read my book. By the way the interviews you are referencing here are part of the biggest BS fest to ever hit the airwaves. Constant nonsense. Dr. Offit is a doublespeak pro. I made a video about it. Dr. Atul Gawande also said the vaccine conferred better immunity than getting and recovering from the disease. These people are either incredibly stupid or they are corrupt to the core; evil, really to be sending the population in to take a vaccine about which no one knew the long term side effects when they did not need it. My book: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1677618751&sr=8-1

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People waver back and forth sometimes, especially when they know what's true but are immersed in groupthink to the contrary as far as the eye can see.

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I stopped trusting them long before COVID. Presently, they’ve lost all credibility and are not to be trusted from here on. In my eyes, medical profession has lower rate of trust than used car salesmen. I’ve been searching for alternatives to allopathic practitioners. There is nothing they could do to change my mind. There are honorable exceptions which I would consider consulting like functional medicine practitioners. Also, they are good at trauma surgery, broken bones, etc., but that’s it. Doctors who cannot speak the truth to patients are no longer physicians. If they want to be taken seriously once again, they must liberate themselves from corporate entities for which most them work these days.

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Iirc, Offit only publicly spoke out against boosters when he disagreed about his own kid getting it (on some podcast/youtube show) and his kid was being forced to for college.

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IDEA of natural immunity ==> IDEA of "DIY vaccines" in 3mins!!!

Of course some people do not like this to happen:

(Take snot, sterilise, filtrate, dilute to spray, give to vulnerable 4x/day 1 week emulating "shedding". Giving pre-immunity. If done in 3 waves, measured, perhaps you find sterilsing immunity is reached.

Does not evoke B-cell based antibodies, so NO PROBLEM with: antigenic sin, ADE-D, ADE-I.)

Later, I found the site doing this idea in the "pro" version, much more lab-centered, but any bio hackerspace or hobbyist or village lab could do it:


See their explanations on mucosal immunity, the limitations of the vaccine (they use some adjuvans, the idea above needs none).

It is VERY important for the elites/WHO-system of "health" that we do not believe too strongly in natural immunity.

Take the 3mins. if you want to be able to protect the vulnerable in your family or community...

I try to paint the picture here that brought me to this above thesis.

Because from this belief in natural immunity (which is "dangerous" to the elitarian psychopaths) to REALLY effective vaccines against ALL rapidly mutating (respiratory) pathogens - it is just one step.

The step is: do you break free and take it?

So it is closely related to the red pill theorem: do I want to discover other realities than my own caressed beloved ones? Am I in search of the truths and is this more important thant "peace of mind", never upsettling my long-programmed beliefs? Do I want to endure the nagging feeling of "cognitive dissonance" if something shines right up my face my reality concept can absolutely not digest?

How much of this can I bear, and how much friends I like and do not want to loose? How do I make them strong to enhance their model of reality, how do I avoid overloading theirs?


Story of our mud phase:

For countless millions of years, all socially living mammals follow an instinct which we ERASED by "measures" of the WHO down:

If someone of family or group catches an illness, he/she retreats, and upon feeling better, comes back and sheds (if nK competent) broken pathogens in droplets and aerosols, so the group trains itself to be prepared when the pathogen hits again.

(Observe, there is no test, no "symptomless shedding", only pre-symptomatic 1 day perhaps, so you can warn your contacts to do post expostion prophylaxis PEP. Perhaps boosted can do it now, IG4 "de-sensitisation"...)

This little story directly gave me the following conclusions:

- ALL "measures" of the WHO-system aim at reducing nK or prohibiting natural immunity to make the pandemic phase AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.

Please proof me the opposite, I can not interpret the data any other...:

- all sensors indicating infection _before_ infectiousness were systematically shut down, like countless "Point of care" bead LAMP or RTLAMP tests, the MIT "cough check" app workingly sold to takeda that ?erased it?, PRof. Tabib-Azar's Zikka FET sensor, working, (re-useable, in aerosol or saliva); I tracked 4 projects all working. They forgot to delete from the world one cheap (30$?) none-specific: pm2.5 fine dust sensors indicate "problem on mucosa" by rising aerosol count, just breath softly at them till reading stabilises, like 10secs., indicating 1 day before infectiousness where it did rose - by FACTOR 7. Yes, on Covid Omicron BA2. Have to repeat the experiment over the year. Please help when a wave rolls in, it is worth while to watch some people in office or family for "predictive fun" of it. Of course it indicates allergies, food intolerances, alc you drank, low on sleep, everything affecting the mucosa. Find YOUR use of it.

- mRNA injections reduce nK via PEG-LNP (without mRNA too, actually) by epigenetically re-reprogramming immunity (in an inheritable fashion, 3-6gens if not healed) (other vaccines all suffer from antigenic sin, ADE-I, ADE-D (VED), IG4-"desensitisation").

- fear porn, existential sorrows, not seeing mouth of people, no skin contact to people ALL reduces nK

- lockdowns prevent training rounds to complete (needing to see different variants) but enhance infectiousness in a wave as people get it home and it burns through families. Most infections for us occcured in family. Proof me wrong, but I feel cases undercounted in lockdowns, and the "best" they did was postpone statistics in my perception. In a 3 months sliding window, they prevented NO infections for us.

- MASKS do NOT reduce infection, but reduce shedding of broken pathogens by 99%, as claimed and measured. REALLY THE MOST EFFECTIVE endogenic-state-disabler of ALL "measures"

ca. 1/100 benefint/cost. Wow. And I was so brainwashed I tried to invent better masks, having hifi windows you could see the mouth through; now I use nasal sprays as virutal masks.

- hygiene LIES by CDC's / RKI were necessary: 1.5m, elbow, wash hands...

This paints a clearer picture also relating to masks:

Transmission occur (>99%) by _droplets_, as one soft NOSE BLOW, sneeze or cough emits a _cloud_ of

* 10,000 droplets, shooting ballistically

* 3m wide, _hovering_

* 40seconds, and

* ONE single droplet is infectious, and many slip through the inner mask fleece at the slit to skin, which is coarse and not pressed to skin in some places around the face line - for _every_ mask wearer; do the cold glasses or smoke test.)

1:1000 only "smear infections" over surfaces, studies suggest. It really is no "MANUAL" virus, and the fraud is

NO CDC's suggested RESPIRATORY washing (nasal, throat, mouth, inhaling of essences or stone salt baking soda etc) part of all civilised cultures, that of course erred tha last 10k years; so what's up with this tic of hand scrubing? OK, we nearly eradicated noro virus.

So masks REDUCE TRAINING by 99% !!!

And "perhaps" reduce infections by 1%, no stats there. Let's collect all mask mandate times + 10days incidences and put them to one big data picture.

But stats are clear: mask wearing with a water-binding fleece ENHANCES chances of severe cause, if wearing incubated or infected, by +70%!

(If you have to wear masks infected, please use PTFE masks only, and while sneezing/coughing, use 2 pointing fingers and thumbs to form an O and press it on face line, to prevent mask from lifting off, if you have no antiviral spray on mucosa and have to protect vulnerables. Immediately after sneezing/cough, _before_ breathing in, take it off, spray on some inorganic antiseptic, then take it on again. Don't forget to spray breathing in all nose and throat etc., see below.)

But if you zoom in on case counts 10 days after "N95 mask mandates" (as in Bavaria early on was shown) you see, hundreds of times on this earth repeated, the flat line of death for the mask. Just no change, not even so tiny. (Doing an error once is bad. Repeating it several hundred times is... mass murder.)

Which also proofs, that in real life, the amount of "aerosol" (the invisible hour-long hovering danger so ridden in fear-porn-industry like radioactivity, is (close to) ZERO! This is a steep conclusion. Proof me wrong.)

In short, benefit over costs is somewhat 1:100.


Aerosol chance: Make it ZERO:

If you want, you can easily disinfect the air. Self-distributing. Safe. Effective. Cheap. Transparent. Self-warning (couging: too much, >5ppm, damage >15ppm(vol)). Seemingly, it is effective against some of the "longer hovering, not "directly hit") droplets as well, see paper and my conclusion below.

(On CIO2: Please type, no copy-paste, it is tracked and censored and hunted, as all good remedies are. Though Sweden says it is our Rescuer in need (antibiotics stop working), the EU wants to FORBID it, and send it's most reliable state to try it: Hungary.

CIO2 (and all the others, NaHCIO, H202, PVP-l, l2(stabilised), O3, NO, ..).

It kills the problem of all plagues having no direct medication, ther NEVER will be any resistances, effective against everything one-celled or smaller, and is better than existing medications.

Believe it or not. Try it. NOAL for CIO2 systemically is high: 3mg/kg body weight/day distributed at least in 5-10 portions.) Ask for the scarce papers, I'll give them. Search for Prof. Noszticzius eg..

Air disinfection by CIO2-Method: Place 10ml 0.3% CIO2 (=CDS) in a jar glass, per 10m^2 room area.

Anywhere, on a shelf, below a cupboard. Self-distributing.

This results in 0.01..0.03 ppm(vol) in air.

Replenish if color fades.

In school/kindergarten/.. official buildings, dilute to "drinking water" which is legally up to 20ppm CIO2. Pour the 10ml 0.3% CIO2 in a 1.5L PET bottle filled with water, punch in holes in the lid, and place a piece of an old (goretex) rain jacket's membrane between bottle and lid, letting gas escape, keeping water in. Or just screw on lid lightly. Or punch a tiny hole in. Protect from direct sunlight. DONE. There are quite cheap dispensers that can be adjusted in output. See paper. https://academicjournals.org/journal/IJMMS/article-abstract/FDB503B428 . )

Practical aspects on CIO2 are found there:

https://cdn.website-editor.net/31ebb640b63a445b913fbb9152c94a0e/files/uploaded/Chlorine_dioxide_COVID-19-Therapy_2020.pdf Or from COMUSAV:


Masks: And yet again and again the "experiment" was repeated. Made kids 3% dumber, as IQ resides on EQ and kids in pre-school and elementary suffering masked caregivers were shown to have iin average 3% less IQ due to not having built-up their emotional intelligence, their empathy, and lastly, their intelligence, to full potential. WHAT A LOSS! And more empathy-deprived robots more easy to be controlled. HEAL THIS!)


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PS: I explained the dangers of lockdowns months before the GBD trio, in March 2020. I even wrote Tucker, Hannity, anderson Cooper and Chris cuomo asking for 5 minutes in their office to explain it to them. "It will not work as advertised and will cause death and destruction on a biblical scale" were the words I used. They never responded. Lockdowns were the exact opposite of what needs to be done in a real pandemic which this was not. It's ALL explained in my book: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1677618751&sr=8-1

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I tried to follow the science, but it was simply not there.

I then followed the money, that's where I found the science.

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When do we revolt and tear It all down? When????

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Called that one in 2021: "Natural immunity, which reduces the benefit of vaccination, is of significant value to individuals, but for health administrators it is one more thing to keep track of." https://norstadt.substack.com/p/severe-adverse-events-vs-severe-covid

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Money speaks louder. Offit = hypocrite sold.

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I think on game theoretical grounds, it is only to be expected that 'public health officials' will gravitate to 'telling you what they think you need to hear', rather than as what they market themselves at, as 'telling you what the truth is' (which they do all the more vigorously since thats not who they are).

If I was god-king, faced with a disease that kills 1/2, and a perfectly effective vaccine, with a so-so safety profile of killing 1/4 per jab, then what would I do? Id tell you the truth of the situation, mandate the vaccine, and bask in the glory that the people would bestow upon me for doing the right thing, in solving this collective action problem for them with the obvious and morally superior solution.

If I was a public health official, wrongly or rightly spooked into thinking I was facing a similar situation, but without god-king like powers to mandate anything, or imbue people with my obviously correct moral understandings, what would I do? Just sit there, explain the facts as they appear, and let this collective action problem kill a quarter of the population needlessly? Or would you try chanting a mantra like 'safe and effective' over and over, and use whatever dictatorial powers I did have, to manipulate the media and scientific publishing, and so on, to maximum effect?

Youd really have to have some strong moral framework requiring you to choose the former, not to choose the latter. I think its a good think most people are not moral zealots of some kind, and would go with the utilitarian option, if they believed they faced a situation like that.

What I think isnt so good, is that this situation is entirely hypothetical, and the people who argued this was 'just the flu' were indeed the least wrong of all. But the panic and mass psychosis was all too real. Now people are pretty dumb and forgetful, but still you can wholesale throw your credibility out of the window only so often; and you have to value trust in science very little, to have it seen mauled this badly in favor of this nothingburger of a flu vaccine.

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I am in the UK where 92% of Covid deaths are in the vaccinated. I never tested or masked, take Multivitamins, C, D3 and zinc with Quercetin as the ionophore (we cannot get HCQ or IVM). I THINK I got Covid same time as my wife. Mild cold but am now left with parosmia where certain toiletries smell awful and I cannot stand onion and garlic amongst other foods. I will never trust the Midazolam Murdering NHS again. I believe I have natural immunity and will never succumb. P.S. Did you mean Brownstone Institute above?

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